
Not-So Terrible Two’s 

A little over two years ago I decided to share my writing with you, the world. As I embarked on this journey, many doubts and fears flooded my mind. “What if people don’t like it? What if I fail? The writing isn’t even that good. How much of a difference can I really make?” Despite my MANY reservations, I heeded the advice of family and friends to share this gift with those around me. With the help of many close friends, this dream became a reality. This is how 1WritersHeart was born.

This platform is not an effort to gain recognition or an attempt at fame nor fortune, no. It’s simply sharing the pages of my heart with others in hopes that something will one day impact someone or make their day. As a child, I loved poetry because it made me happy, this is what I hope to accomplish with my writing. So if an image, a reflection, blog post or poem manages to dry a bitter tear or provoke one from joy or if it manages to make someone laugh or simply smile, then my writing has achieved its purpose.

From the bottom of this writer’s heart, THANK YOU for two wonderful years and for your support! Here’s to many more years of sharing, smiling, learning, laughing, crying, and growing together.


2 thoughts on “Not-So Terrible Two’s ”

  1. Congratulations and very well deserved admiration from all of your followers. Thank you, for sharing this marvelous gift the Lord has given you and for making us smile, laugh, cry and dream. Dios te bendiga. Te quiero mucho.

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